Support us

Support us

The Moray Art Centre appreciates all donations.

You can even pop into the Centre and donate directly via cash or cheque.

You can also contact us on [email protected]

Ways to Donate

By phone

Call us to pay by credit or debit card


Bank transfer

Moray Art Centre
Sort code: 30-25-89
Account no. 00634578
IBAN: GB11TSBS30258900634578


Post a cheque to:
Moray Art Centre
The Park, Findhorn
IV36 3TA

Don’t forget to Gift Aid – If you are a UK taxpayer, Gift Aid allows you to increase the value of your gift without paying a penny more. Simply by letting us know when you donate, you can make your donation tax efficient without incurring any extra costs. Gift Aid enables us to reclaim tax that you have already paid at basic rate through income tax or capital gains tax. For every £1 you give, we can claim an additional 25p from the Inland Revenue.