Participation form

Participation form

This form needs to be completed by all attendees BEFORE the date of the vent. If you have booked more than one space, please send a link to this page to all attendees.

PLEASE NOTE: All of our workshops require a minimum number of participants for them to run. Workshops may need to be cancelled or postponed if numbers are not met.

Please select the workshop you are attending from the list
Attendee name(Required)

Emergency contact details

Please give details of someone we can contact in an emergency
Include allergies, food allergies, intolerances and/or medication. Please let us know if you have addition needs, or anything else we show know.
Consent for reproduction of artwork and photos
By ticking this box, I DO NOT conset and authorise the use and reproduction by the Mory Art Centre, its subsidiaries and any person or corporation working with the permission of the Moray Art Centre, any photograph you have take n of me on the date below, for any purpose, and without compensatio to me. All photographs (film, paper or digital) are and will remain property of the Moray Art Centre (18 and over)
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